drug use

If I Go to Rehab for Treatment?

Question by William C: If I go to rehab for treatment?
If someone goes to a drug rehabilitation centre for treatment willingly, would they receive a criminal record for drug possession/dealing?

Best answer:

Answer by delbotcia
Absolutely not. Your participation in drug treatment is confidential and the treatment center will not reveal or discuss your participation there with anybody. You enjoy the same doctor/patient confidentiality there as you enjoy at a doctors office.

Website for Drug Abuse Hotline?

Question by Ian: website for drug abuse hotline?
i cant find one. everything i find is just a phone number and i’m more comfortable on computer. i really need to talk to someone about my drug use.

Best answer:

Answer by xpatinasia
Google is your friend.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Why Do I Need Drug Rehab?

Question by Jessie J: Why do I need drug rehab?
I have been a drug user for a year and I haven’t told anyone about it. And if I do decide to get myself into a drug rehab, I would like to do it without anyone having to push me. I would like to learn about drug rehab – what it does, what the treatments are and where I can find one in Florida. Got any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Michael A
yep. by all means go in and give ’em a try. but it didn’t work with me.

What Is a Good Thesis Statement Against Drug Abuse?

Question by Siera: what is a good thesis statement against drug abuse?
I am doing a persuasive essay concerning the impact that drug abuse has on addicts and close ones. I would appreciate any help. I really need a thesis statement to work around. Thank you for your time

Best answer:

Hasn’t Socialism Been Present in the US for a Long Time…?

Question by Nina: Hasn’t Socialism been present in the US for a long time…?
In the following forms:

Health Class Project on Drug Abuse/alcoholism/suicidal Thoughts?

Question by Diba Gordafkan: Health class project on drug abuse/alcoholism/suicidal thoughts?
So I started this project today (assigned Monday) and it’s due on Friday. My title is: Can Alcoholism and/or Drug Abuse lead to suicidal thoughts?. I’m using Google Docs presentation and I’m suppose to have 7 slides. So far, I have 3 slides, and they’re pretty much the title , what is drug abuse/ alcoholism. I need help! What else am I suppose to do? I’ve literally been at my laptop just staring at the screen for an hour. My brain is not cooperating with me >.< Please please help! Like, maybe some suggestions on what my other slide(s) should be about? I need some ideas thrown at me. That's how I start thinking. Thanks so much. Best answer: