drug rehab

Treatment Rehab Center Miami FL Alcohol Rehab Center Miami FL Drug Rehab Center Miami FL


Treatment Rehab Center Miami FL Alcohol Rehab Center Miami FL Drug Rehab Center Miami FL


What Is Drug Rehab Like?

Question by pond: What is Drug Rehab like?
My Mom just entered an inpatient rehab program today and I am just curious about what it is like. She has been addicted to cocaine for the past 8 months.

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Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers


Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers – Los Angeles Drug Rehab Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers drug free drug rehab teen drug rehab holistic drug rehab drug rehab programs drug addiction rehab inpat…


Can You Force an Adult in Indiana Legally to Go Into Rehab or Go to Jail?

Question by Chloe: Can you force an adult in Indiana legally to go into rehab or go to jail?
I’m fearful of losing my 31-year-old boyfriend to a very serious Heroin addiction. I think he deep down inside wants to get better. He has done very little though to find help as he gets frustrated because he has no money or insurance for a rehab facility. He is on death’s door. I’ve seriously considered finding a way to have him arrested but I KNOW that jail will only succeed into keeping clean while he’s there and the second he get out, he’ll use again. He’s done a couple of stints in jail for a few weeks and it did no good. He really needs at least a 3 month drug rehab inpatient treatment facility followed by going to a halfway house or a sober living facility. I don’t want to give up on him. PLEASE HELP! Any links or personal experience stories is greatly appreciated. I’d really like to hear from a lawyer or law student or even a police officer that has dealt with individuals like these. He still has so much to offer this world. When I met him 9 years ago, he was clean and totally different. He was hard-working, very likeable, honest, and strong. He is none of these things now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP! I do NOT want to have to go to my boyfriend’s own funeral.

Bipolar and Medicinal Marijuana in Michigan?

Question by GenocidePhenomenon: Bipolar and medicinal marijuana in michigan?
If i have bipolar disorder, can i get a medicinal marijuana license for it in Michigan?

Best answer:

Answer by buddhaorchid
Currently, no. To get a medical marijuana license in Michigan, you have to be diagnosed with a physical medical problem, typically cancer, crohn’s, chronic pain, MS, glaucoma, possibly muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia, or something of that nature. Mental problems are not considered to be treatable by marijuana. When you have such mental issues, it is thought that you are more susceptible to drug addiction and abuse.

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Can Someone Really Change After a Life of Drugs and Compulsiveness?

Question by mrvain22: Can someone really change after a life of drugs and compulsiveness?
I didn’t know where else to post this so here it goes…I have a friend who is about to leave a christian run treatment center . The past 10 years of her life have run on compulsive behavior and drugs. She now tells me after 3 months that shes clean, free of her manipulative ways, has found god(reads the bible all the time), is ready to commit to a real relationship with trust and faith fullness and so on. I am afraid she might fall through the cracks again but my question is..can a christian way of life and influence really change someone that drastically?? in that short of time?? How often do these people relapse??