What Is a Good Inpatient Drug Rehab to Go in Nevada for Men?

Question by The Verbal Assassain: What is a good Inpatient Drug Rehab to go in Nevada for Men?
Must have a sliding scale. Because I am broke as a joke. Maybe you might have been to a good rehab or heard of one, if so let me know. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Rent
I found great information about top addiction rehab programs from some websites that I’d like to share with you. Hope they help you finding out the solutions you’re looking for…

Good luck and God bless!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



STEP2 in Reno, Nevada – Private non-profit, STEP2 is located in Reno, Nevada. This treatment program is the only program in Northern Nevada and one of few in the country that accomm…