What Are Some Career Alternatives for Social Work?

Question by chikeymonky: What are some career alternatives for social work?
I have a BA in Social Work and minored in Psychology. Currently, I work in the training/education field. Can anyone suggest other career opportunties?

Best answer:

Answer by No A
You don’t say where you’re located or what your licensure is. I work at a community mental health facility and our social workers do anything from case management, crisis intervention, rape crisis, vocational training, group work, alcohol and drug counseling, and with an LISW they even do counseling. There are also social workers at Human Services, Children’s Services. and I have a social work instructor that has a private practice.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Obama: “I am not in favor of (drug) legalization” During YouTube Q&A – President Obama answered the most asked question by YouTubers during his Q&A session from January 27, 2011. The question, dealing with the debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana, was asked by Mackenzie Allen–a former law enforcement official and current member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP). The President said he was against legalization, but gave a much more open-minded answer than his dismissive retort to a similar question on marijuana during an online town hall last year. He said the issue is worthy of debate and signaled that he’s in favor of changing the attitude of approaching non-violent drug addiction from one of criminalization to one of treatment. However, Obama seemed unwilling to consider that the cartels are being strengthened by prohibition–insisting that “we must continue to go after the cartels.” What do you think of the President’s answer? Here’s the full transcript for this question: Mackenzie Allen: “Good evening Mr. President. My name is Mackenzie Allen. I’m a retired law enforcement officer and member of LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition). The so-called ‘War on Drugs’ has been waged for 40 years at a cost of a trillion dollars and thousands of lives with nothing to show for it, but increased supplies, cheaper drugs and a dramatic increase in violence associated with the underworld drug market. Sir, do you think there will or should come a time for us to discuss the possibility of legalization, regulation and control


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Dr Katon is Professor, Vice-Chair, and Director of the Division of Health Services and Psychiatric Epidemiology at the University of Washington, School of Medicine. Dr Coleman reports no conflicts of interest concerning the subject matter of this article.
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Snow was expected to spread Thursday from Mississippi across northern Georgia and up to the Washington, D.C. area, the National Weather Service said. The winter blitz follows days of heavy rain across much of the…More >>. A winter storm made its way …
Read more on Alabama’s News Leader


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21 Responses to What Are Some Career Alternatives for Social Work?

  • waswisgirl1 says:

    According to the US Dept of Labor, here’s some of the career options for someone with a social work degree:

    *Child, family, and school social workers provide social services and assistance to improve the social and psychological functioning of children and their families and to maximize the family well-being and academic functioning of children.

    *Medical and public health social workers provide persons, families, or vulnerable populations with the psychosocial support needed to cope with chronic, acute, or terminal illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, or AIDS.

    *Mental health and substance abuse social workers assess and treat individuals with mental illness or substance abuse problems, including abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. Such services include individual and group therapy, outreach, crisis intervention, social rehabilitation, and training in skills of everyday living.

    *Other types of social workers include social work planners and policymakers, who develop programs to address such issues as child abuse, homelessness, substance abuse, poverty, and violence. These workers research and analyze policies, programs, and regulations. They identify social problems and suggest legislative and other solutions. They may help raise funds or write grants to support these programs.

    *Other career options for social workers include teaching, research, and consulting. Some of these workers also help formulate government policies by analyzing and advocating policy positions in government agencies, in research institutions, and on legislators’ staffs.

    *Some social workers go into private practice. Most private practitioners are clinical social workers who provide psychotherapy, usually paid for through health insurance or by the client themselves. Private practitioners must have at least a master’s degree and a period of supervised work experience. A network of contacts for referrals also is essential. Many private practitioners split their time between working for an agency or hospital and working in their private practice. They may continue to hold a position at a hospital or agency in order to receive health and life insurance.

    *Through direct counseling or referral to other services, social workers help people solve a range of personal problems. Workers in occupations with similar duties include counselors, probation officers and correctional treatment specialists, psychologists, and social and human services assistants.

    *A good friend who has her social work degree runs the employee assistance programs for a number of corporations, and use to work as a chaplain assistant in a hospital, a youth program director at a church, and worked in a group home for runaway teenagers.

    For information about career opportunities in social work, contact:
    National Association of Social Workers, 750 First St. N.E., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20002-4241. Internet: http://www.socialworkers.org

    Good luck!

  • cyberage100 says:


  • cyberage100 says:


  • Matt M says:

    I believe drugs ought to be made legal,but not in the same way? alcohol is.If a person wants to be able to purchase extreme drugs like heroin or meth, I believe? they ought to be rigorously educated and pass tests proving their knowledge,THEN be licensed.Hallucinogens should also be licensed, but differently; mainly to screen for people susceptible to? mental illness, such as bipolar or schizophrenia.MDMA I think should be similar to alcohol. We can’t regulate all substances with 1 blanket policy

  • Syd Atlas says:

    What is he? My daddy? SHUT? THE FUCK UP. You can’t tell people what they can and can’t do. He doesn’t even mention anything beyond Drunk driving, which is illegal, smoking — a long time human tradition, and seatbelts?? Did he even say the word “marijuana” throughout this entire thing?

  • Abdullhadi Al sahli says:

    @riweeba Yup this site is just giving out 100% free White Apple iPad 2’s for today only. You have to be from the U.S? though but it’s all real, I claimed mine just before. Get in quick! bit.ly/RTptpo?=txjjr

  • moviewatcherjim says:

    Well I wouldn’t say good riddance. But hay, if that will win the argument than good.?

  • hill billy says:

    neither one of them is worth a red cent besides all the extra revinue we have to cut off those greasy cartels legalize is the only way even heroin and coke meth whatever give em all they want they? overdose they die good ridance! FREE THE FUCKING WEED!

  • draconite420 says:

    Not everyone does the herb, i use? to smoke up a lot, altho it be cool through legalization and cheaper product to experiment with other ways to use the plant through cooking and stuff.

  • TheMiapepe says:

    Most? of you like this bullshit?Shame on you!

  • moviewatcherjim says:

    We get to vote between this and? Romney. Some options.

  • DP3mo24hofosho says:

    Why not all drugs? Don’t? individuals have a constitutional right to put whatever they want in thier bodies as long as they know fully how harmful the substance is, and don’t harm anyone else?

  • Taylor Stewart says:

    the question should be solely about the legalization, regulation, and control? of marijuana. not ALL drugs

  • ross suckerson says:

    Boy did he dance out of that? one without saying one word of any fucking substance! Hope and change, assholes.

  • drbnzballa1 says:

    This guy smokes cigs and used to smoke pot so what he says about? the issue is totally illegitimate.

  • ihatehays says:

    I hate the guy but it makes? sence. But I guess it depends what side your on

  • OtisFunkmyer says:

    Hemp could be a MAJOR industry and the corporate? globalists dont want to threaten what they allready have going…..

  • Greg Williams says:

    note that he’s not speaking on marijuana directly, but all government categorized drugs. In that aspect, I agree with him. Chemically treated compounds like heroin or cocaine are not worth legalizing, however we do need to focus on changing attitudes towards such substances. What’s different about cannabis is that the US has spent years, literally DECADES trying to “change people’s opinions” on it, and it just doesn’t work. We know the benefits? as well as the consequences. We STILL. GET. HIGH.

  • Firefly Ftwenty says:

    “Changing people’s? attitudes” that just scares me.

  • matthew gill says:

    I like the way he tip toes around the answer…. its not something hes in favor of? but its something worth looking into!!!!!!

  • matthew gill says:

    You should see what obamas answer looks like through Vocal Stress Analysis….. wow… you can even tell from all his stuttering during? most of his speeches he is lying almost 80% of the time he is talking…. its interesting….

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