Teen Drug Abuse


Teen Drug Abuse – This is a public service announcement on teen drug abuse. Be aware of it and help the problem stop.


Parents of Drug Addicts Must Not Lose Hope

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Taking drugs and alcohol is something they associate with adulthood. They act desperate to come out of their 'child' image and this is what leads them toward substance abuse. Attending drinking parties is a common thing amongst teenagers. It is at …
Read more on Hive Health Media (blog)


Parents need to stay involved to keep down teen substance abuse

Filed under: teen drug abuse

Although there is no failproof way to keep your children off drugs, early action by parents and involvement in the community can help curb substance abuse. According to the Treatment Research Institute, the first step in keeping children off drugs is …
Read more on West Point Tidewater Review


From Twitter:

#Xocai #artisan #choco #chocolate: Preventing Teen Prescription Drug Abuse In Troutdale – http://t.co/nANkNU31 – by listpipetoo (ListPipe Too)


From Twitter:

RT @KelleyEKeenan: Congrats America, we’re the number 1 country in teen pregnancy rates, STDs, obesity, infant mortality, and drug abuse … – by __GoldDiamonds (The Shit ?)


From Twitter:

#Xocai #MLM #sjokogate, #sjokolademafia, #sjokoservice: Preventing Teen Prescription Drug Abuse In Taipei, … – http://t.co/FSiInQsT – by listpipetoo (ListPipe Too)