Drug Abuse?
Question by Sakky: Drug Abuse?
Help needed for my family member. HE is about to die from how much drugs he is taking. Is there anything one can do, perhaps say he is mental and get him arrested or something???
Any advice from previous addicts????
What if he is refusing treatment? refusing to go to hospital etc
Also rehab clinics cant force someone to stay. We checked it out already.
Talking is not working with him. He already lost his wife and 3 kids….he got another wife who is a druggie..she does the shooting for him. they just had a baby that they also lost bc of the drugs she took in the pregnancy that affected the baby so bad he was on morphine for 1 month. Now …the situation is really bad he is drugged up all day and cant even drive or doesnt konw what day it is
Teen Substance Abuse Treatment – Advice to Her Peers – Center for Discovery
Teen Substance Abuse Treatment – Advice to her peers – Center for Discovery – A client of Center for Discovery offers advice to her peers dealing with substance abuse. She talks about how the staff understands the issues teens are goin…
Substance Abuse Professional Network
substance abuse professional network – This is the psycho-educational addiction and psychological health recovery system offered 24/7. They have resources whether or not you are the one battling o…
I’m Looking for a Halfway House in Chicago,Il Located on North Division Street?
Question by jamhalb: I’m looking for a halfway house in chicago,il located on north division street?
Best answer:
Answer by BIG MIKE
it was not easy but i think that i may have found something.
it is a site that give ALL the info. that you need re your request.
i copied some stuff from the site however don’t bother to read it. the site has linke to EVERY HALF WAY HOUSE AT THE ADDRESS REQUESTED GO THERE NOW OK.?
Drug Addiction Recovery Literature Ideas?
Question by xSweetiex07: Drug Addiction Recovery Literature Ideas?
My mom has 5 months clean from abusing prescription drugs and I would like to buy her a book for her birthday about recovery. She has been regularly attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and through that program she has read one book and started another. She is very involved and serious about staying clean. I want to buy her something inspirational, and keep her spirits up. If you have any ideas please let me know! Thanks so much!!!
Best answer:
Drug Addictions?
Question by epiphonegirl: Drug addictions?
Do you think it is possible to be addicted to drugs in a different sense than being addicted to one specific drug?
What I mean is…do you think people who drink and do drugs are simply addicted to being high, not feeling things, and not dealing with problems?
Yes, crack, coke, etc. cause strong physical addictions, but would people become addicted to them if they weren’t desperate to get high?
Personally I think so.
I smoke weed, and I did coke one day because my dude said he could get me coke but not weed at the moment.
I started smoking weed cuz I drink.