Drug Addiction Rise Afghanistan
Drug addiction rise Afghanistan – Drug-taking in the Afghan capital Kabul, is on the increase. The ongoing war and poverty in Afghanistan are making it difficult to combat the country’s drug problem. Al Jazeera’s James Bays reports from Kabul.
Best movies of 2012
Filed under: drug addiction movies
Miss Bala Applying the long-take rigor of recent Romanian cinema to a kinetic thriller-polemic, Gerardo Naranjo tags along as a beauty-queen contestant becomes a pawn in Tijuana's all-pervading drug trade. Barely released, it was 2012's most mistreated …
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Is a Gallbladder Problem a Symptom of Drug Addiction?
Question by : Is a gallbladder problem a symptom of drug addiction?
Hi. I’ve been smoking weed for a few months straight now because it was a way of escaping from my depression. I’ve been gaining more and more anxiety lately and I get really nervous and start to twitch when I am in certain places in public or around certain age groups. Also, I’ve been getting alot of urges to pee. I wake up in the middle of the night because I had to pee so bad. Is that supposed to be a symptom of drug addiction/abuse?
Best answer:
Foundation for a Drug-Free World – the Truth About Prescription Drugs
Foundation for a Drug-Free World – The Truth About Prescription Drugs – The Truth About Drugs documentary is the cornerstone of the Drug-Free World Campaign, sponsored by the Church of Scientology. This documentary is the real story of what drugs are and what they do to one’s body and mind—told by people who’ve been there, done them and survived to tell about it.
Jenelle Evans Spent A Week In Rehab For Herion — Report
Filed under: free drug rehab
Drug Rehabs in Arkansas: Some States See Rise in Prescription Drug and Alcohol Abuse
States like Oklahoma and Texas are experiencing an increase in those abusing prescription drugs and alcohol. State officials are taking notice of the increase.
The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics has reported that there has been a 137 percent increase in the number of drug overdose deaths in the last decade. Almost 80 percent of those deaths are a result of prescription drug abuse. Oklahoma ranks among the highest in the nation for nonmedical use of painkillers.
Alcohol use has also been on the rise. Underage drinking cost the citizens of Oklahoma $ 0.8 billion in 2010. These costs include medical care, work loss, and pain and suffering associated with the multiple problems resulting from the use of alcohol by youth.
What Is the Best Way to Help a Drug Addict?
Question by Tangerine.: What is the best way to help a drug addict?
My boyfriend has a drug problem that we have been trying to deal with for a while. He has gone a long way from where he was before to where he is now. But I still want to know how I can help him more.
Best answer:
Answer by Young Master Ruprecht
Throw your sympathy out the window. BE consistant, never enable any amount for any reason. Stand your ground and keep it at arm’s length. Be sure that you have someone who can support you emotionally while you go about this very demanding type of relationship.