California Drug Addiction Treatment With PPO Insurance
California Drug Addiction Treatment with PPO Insurance – Call 877-927-9059 to discover your drug addiction treatment options with PPO health insurance in the state of California. Free call and service to folks with…
Amphetamine Abuse (Strange Symptom)?
Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over and over and over again, all the time. This humming began around the time the abuse began. He was combining the amphetamines with Vicodin , Effexor, and Seroquel. He has supposedly been clean of the amphetamines for the last month yet the humming continues. Could this possibly be a sign of brain damage from the drug abuse? Also, why did the drug induce this constant humming in the first place? Thanks for any help..
I Need to Find a Low Cost or Free Drug Addiction Center or Services for My Husband.?
Question by Victoria: I need to find a low cost or free drug addiction center or services for my husband.?
My husband recently confessed to having an addiction to crystal meth and I have no clue how to help him he says he has tryed to quit on his own but now realizes he needs professional help
Best answer:
Answer by Narconon
I don’t know of any one free other than, perhaps, some religious based programs. Everything costs in life. Your husband must have used thousands of dollars in his addiction.
Recovering Drug Addicts, Answer.?
Question by : recovering drug addicts, answer.?
I recently started talking to a boy i graduated with. We never were friends, but had tons of mutual friends, and we always said hello and were friendly when we did see eachother. He always seemed really nice. So, he started to talk to me on facebook. We realized how much we had in common, and we met up in town to go to the store and such together, and we clicked. this was only about 3 days after we started talking. He then told me right off the bat, that he is recovering from major drug addictions, and that if i didnt want to be involved with a person like himself, he would understand if i just stopped talking to him. i decided not to stop. He has told me he is a “horrible person” and when i asked why he said “tons of reasons”. i told him to make a list. and he did. he was very hesitant to read it, but he did. he told me things he hasnt told other people, and he HAD done some horrible things. but, he ISNT a bad person, i FEEL it, and i am totally falling for him. he said he promises he will never intentionally hurt me, and he is doing everything in his power to change who he once was. when we are in public together, he is such a gentleman, not just to me, but to everyone, and i love it. i can tell he is not using me, he hasnt asked for anything. my only worry is, how frequent is a relapse? how hard is it to overcome? he has been to rehab 3 times (we are 20 years old) and this time is apparently the longest he’s been clean. he told me in complete confidence that i am completing him, and i make his life easier to live just by being here. and he really does seem like he means it. what are the chances of me getting hurt if i continue to see him? (i have never done drugs, have never had an addiction.) i know that urge is stronger than the urge to keep me happy, but do you think if he really cares, he can stay clean for me?
The of Effects of Drug Abuse(plz List ALOT)?
Question by Scarface: The of effects of drug abuse(plz list ALOT)?
Best answer:
Answer by Abraham
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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What Were Your Own Personal Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction?!?
Question by Sam: What were your own personal signs and symptoms of drug addiction?!?
Would you ignore your girlfriend? Not talk on the phone?! Stay inside all day paranoid?! Only talk to parents when you needed money?! Pawn belongings?! What were your lies like?! etc..
Best answer:
Answer by **Ghosty**
Hi – I’ve never been a drug addict, but I know a family close to me whose son was one.
They had to lock down and lock away everything from that guy; he stole money from purses and wallets, he stole family jewellery, he crept up on clothing discarded for the night (when the owner was asleep 3 feet away) to take money out of pockets – he lied, and he lied, and he lied.