drug addiction

Is There a Drug/ Alcohol Rehab Treatment for Atheists?

Question by Richard: Is there a drug/ alcohol rehab treatment for atheists?
Do they all involve a “higher power”?
I am just trying to help my wife. I am just thinking about her right now and what she would respond to.
I think alcohol and drug addiction should be treated from the inside out. If you don’t love yourself you can’t love anything else including God.

Best answer:

Answer by .
Yes and no..
But do you really think there is nothing more poweful than you.
Google zeitgeist.

What do you think? Answer below!


3 Rules That Govern the Family System in Addiction – LastingRecovery.com


3 Rules That Govern The Family System In Addiction – LastingRecovery.com – Judy Saalinger, Co-Founder and Executive Director of San Diego’s premier alcohol and drug addiction treatment center Lasting Recovery, discusses “3 Rules Tha…


What Is Drug Addiction? Like a Real Definition?

Question by Bluey: What is drug addiction? Like a real definition?

Best answer:

Answer by saved_by_grace
Drug Addiction:
An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individuals health, mental state or social life. The term is often reserved for drug addictions but it is sometimes applied to other compulsions, such as problem gambling, and compulsive overeating

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Drug Addiction?

Question by Just Wondering: Drug Addiction?
I am taking a class on Social Problems and we have to do a project on a certain social problem in our society. The topic I chose is drug addiction. I see this as a pretty bad social problem in the united states. I am trying to get some ideas on what causes drug addiction. What makes people want to try drugs. I know a lot of people try drugs out of curiousity or boredom or maybe stress. I don’t know because I do not use drugs. Anyways, any ideas or suggestions or anything please feel free.

Drug Addiction? Advice?

Question by Josh: Drug addiction? Advice?
I have been doing pills for about almost 2 years now. Painkillers to be exact but not everyday like 2 days a week sometimes 4. And then my senior year I went thru xanax & kolopin pretty bad. I ended up falling hard into cocaine for about a month and haven’t done it ever since. I’m gonna be starting probation in about a month I’m scared I don’t think I’m addicted but the longest I ever went was like 18 days straight without anything. I need advice idk what to do

Best answer:

Hollywood’s Drug Addiction Problem


Hollywood’s drug addiction problem – Why do so many celebrities seem to have addictions? Comedian and actor Adam Carolla, Dr. Drew and RadarOnline’s Dylan Howard weigh in. For more informaton pl…


Looking for honesty and common sense

Filed under: drug addiction articles

“There is no doubt that the phenomenon of addiction is in decline in Portugal,” said Joao Goulao, president of the Institute of Drugs and Drugs Addiction, in a press conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the law. The number of addicts considered …
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