drug addiction

California Drug Addiction Treatment Center


California Drug Addiction Treatment Center – http://www.CaliforniaAddictionNetwork.com – Our staff will emphasize on the need to keep yourself away from alcohol intake whenever possible, make alteration…


Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News – Georgia


Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News – Georgia – http://www.stopaddiction.com Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News Story. This is a helpful news segment with facts about drug addiction. The Narconon Arrowhead…


States combat alarming drug overdose deaths

Filed under: drug treatment programs in georgia

Didn't the Tea Bagger in Florida get treatment. So it's Ok for Tea … When Stephen Cardiges slipped into unconsciousness from a heroin overdose in the back of a Honda Civic two years ago, his two companions just kept driving around suburban Atlanta …
Read more on USA TODAY

Alcohol Treatment Jacksonville | Drug and Alcohol Rehab


Alcohol Treatment Jacksonville | Drug and Alcohol Rehab – Alcohol an drug addiction can affect anyone, and once you are dependent on drugs or alcohol it can be very hard to kick it without help. Alcohol Treatment Ja…


Can Someone List Hotlines for Marijuana Use?

Question by Kyle9211: can someone list hotlines for marijuana use?
i need to find about 10 hotlines for a school project that help people who have problems with marijuana

Best answer:

Answer by ezgoin92
National Drug Abuse Hotline

National Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information Call Center

Washington State Marijuana Hotline
1-800-388-GROW (4769)

Drug Addiction Referral Hotline

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI)

Teen Problem Hotline 800 398-7340

Give your answer to this question below!



I’m Looking for a Drug Rehab Center in Indianapolis, or Surrounding Area.?

Question by Heather: I’m looking for a drug rehab center in Indianapolis, or surrounding area.?
My father is highly addicted to crack cocaine. He is living with my grandma, but he steals from her and the others in the family. We have tried to find good places for him to go, but he will stay for a week and be discharged to come right back out and get back on the drug. Is there any place in the STATE of INDIANA that can help people with NO INCOME to find rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol. None of us can pay for his treatment and he can’t hold down a job because of physical illnesses that he had. Please someone help us!!!

Inpatient Treatment Alternative


Inpatient Treatment Alternative – for 30 days of treatment – quality affordable inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. Visit www.alcoholinpatient.com or www.dependencysolu…