If a Fourteen Year Old Went Into a Drugstore Would They Be Able to Buy Medication?
Question by Zeanna: If a fourteen year old went into a drugstore would they be able to buy medication?
Would a teen be able to purchase a non-prescription medicine or vitamin alone at a drugstore? (Doing a project on drug abuse prevention)
aspirin? cough syrups? weight loss pills? caffine supplements?
Best answer:
Answer by ??
You should be able to get vitamin in a drugstore without a problem. I’m pretty sure you can also get advil
Add your own answer in the comments!
What Are Some Diseases Brought by Drug Abuse?
Question by lela1997: What are some diseases brought by drug abuse?
I’m doing an essay about why drug abuse is so bad, so how do drugs impact us, and what are some diseases brought by drug abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by Barry
Hepatitis C is usually brought about by drug addiction, though not always. Drug rehabs in California might have more information about such things. I’d recommend seeking out pamphlets on whatever drugs you are researching. Most 12-step meetings have them for very cheap and they detail the negative effects of drug abuse.
Do some research. The consequences of drug abuse are endless.
Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Behavioral Couples Therapy for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse –
Operation UNITE gears up for new year
Filed under: drug abuse foundation
Jan. 7, 2014 — Operation UNITE is a grant-funded drug education and prevention program that could lose its funding in September. The group's mission is to prevent and curb the use of addictive substances. That is why they have been working on a new …
Read more on Morehead News
Maddow embarrasses herself with Koch brothers accusation
Filed under: drug abuse foundation
DARP Drug Abuse Prevention
DARP Drug Abuse Prevention – Marilyn Belmonte is a substance abuse prevention expert and drug recogntion specialist working with communities and professionals in Massachusetts. She has b…
Oyo engages NDLEA to train teachers on drug abuse
Filed under: drug abuse prevention
WorldStage Newsonline– Oyo State Government has engaged the services of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) to train the state teachers on drug abuse prevention, and eradication education. The teachers from the eight educational …
Read more on WorldStage
Lawmakers weigh bill to divert drug addicts
Addiction Treatment
Addiction Treatment – http://facebook.com/sobrietytelevision Learn about addiction treatment for a variety of addictions including: Crystal meth addiction (methamphetamine addicti…
Help & support
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association
n ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR CHILD'S ADDICTION ISSUES?: Chucky's Fight … n Exeter Area Cancer Prayer & Support Group: Holds a monthly meeting focusing on how the prayer experience is an important complement to medical treatment.
Read more on Seacoastonline.com
NAS: Rise in substance abuse during pregnancy
Filed under: drug abuse treatment association
Can I Admit My 17 Year Old Son Into a Drug Rehab Center Without His Permission?
Question by : Can I admit my 17 Year Old son into a drug rehab center without his permission?
My son is 17 years old, and has a severe drug addiction problem. He’s on nearly every Hallucinogen, and smokes marijuana daily. He won’t go into a drug rehab program, we’ve tried before. Can I commit him without his consent? I’ve heard before that at 17 he needs to sign a consent form, which he won’t. But there must be a way to get him help, he’s not even 18 yet. We live in Vermont if that helps. Thank you for your answers, we greatly appreciate them.