drug abuse

Lamar Odom Addicted to Drugs & Getting Divorced! So Sad! -BRKDWN


Lamar Odom Addicted To Drugs & Getting Divorced! So Sad! -BRKDWN – OH NO! Lamar Odom has a drug problem??? SUBSCRIBE! According to TMZ and multiple blog sites NBA player Lamar Odom has been struggling with a bad drug addicti…


Rehab better than the can for drug users

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Anang Iskandar (right) during the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) among various ministries, the National Police and the BNN regarding the curbing of drug abuse and the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Jakarta on Tuesday. (Antara/Widodo …
Read more on Jakarta Post

How Is Drug Abuse and Addiction Different ?

Question by I need helo with drugs: How is drug abuse and Addiction different ?
this is homework for a class

Best answer:

Answer by speisenkarte
they’re not

Give your answer to this question below!



Research Chemicals – My Definition – Research chemicals are substances with little, if any, research available regarding their effects in humans. Hosted by Krystle Cole. Video by http://www.neur…


What Are the Effects of Parental Substance Abuse on the Family?

Question by Sharysse F: what are the effects of parental substance abuse on the family?
how can it lead to child abuse, juvenile delinquency,financial difficulties and what problems do th family face as a result.

Best answer:

Answer by starlight_940
Drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disorder. It is characterized by cycles of abuse, decreased use, relapse and more abuse. For an addicted parent, the day revolves around the
need to procure and use the drug of choice, and then to recover from its affects. Important activities — familial, social, occupational — are given up or reduced because of the substance abuse. For these parents, the responsibility to protect and sustain their children is less important than the parent’s need for the euphoria produced by the drug.

Drug Abuse?

Question by Sakky: Drug Abuse?
Help needed for my family member. HE is about to die from how much drugs he is taking. Is there anything one can do, perhaps say he is mental and get him arrested or something???
Any advice from previous addicts????
What if he is refusing treatment? refusing to go to hospital etc
Also rehab clinics cant force someone to stay. We checked it out already.
Talking is not working with him. He already lost his wife and 3 kids….he got another wife who is a druggie..she does the shooting for him. they just had a baby that they also lost bc of the drugs she took in the pregnancy that affected the baby so bad he was on morphine for 1 month. Now …the situation is really bad he is drugged up all day and cant even drive or doesnt konw what day it is

Are There Any FREE Alcohol Treatment Centers in Phoenix, Arizona?

Question by Jenn: Are there any FREE alcohol treatment centers in Phoenix, Arizona?
My 41 year old brother has been drinking for 20+ years. He is really at a point where there are no options for him with the family. We can’t keep taking him in. He does work some but his situation, both physicall and mentally, has become unmanageable for even him. He has agreed to go into treatment. We do not have money for this and he is not covered by any insurance. Arizona will not qualify him for State insurance either. Any suggestions. He does not want salvation army.

The Latest Vital Signs Report on Prescription IT Department Budget Drug Overdose


The latest Vital Signs report on prescription IT Department Budget drug overdose – http://cdc-director-thomas-frieden-blog.tumblr.com/ Director Office of Information Resources Management.


Catholics visit legislators at state Capitol March 6

Filed under: drug abuse help center in east point ga

The event, sponsored by the Georgia Catholic Conference, runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., beginning with Mass, at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 48 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, SW, in Atlanta. … including sensible regulation of handguns …
Read more on Georgia Bulletin