addiction recovery

How Many of the Homeless People Have Never Done Drugs?

Question by : How many of the homeless people have never done drugs?
I am just wonder are most of them homeless because of drugs or are most of them homeless for reason unrelated to drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by RedMapler
Not all people are homeless due to drug abuse. Many are mentally ill or may be a combination of both. Especially in this economy, many people and families are evicted or foreclosed. Women and children often run away to the streets to escape an abusive household. It’s difficult to find shelter and government assistance, though increased over time, is not enough.

How Can I Have My Wife Released From a Mental Health Facility if She and Her Rights Are Being Violated?

Question by cjsimmons269: How can I have my wife released from a mental health facility if she and her rights are being violated?
I have a concern in reference to my wife. She is bipolar and pregnant which meant that her medication wasn’t’t working as well as it should. Due to lack of concentration and focus, I admitted her to a mental health facility so that they may find a way to manage/change her meds. This was over 1 month ago. Since this time, my wholesome Christian wife has been exposed to vulgar language, has picked up profanity, has learned of prostitution and drugs. Worst yet, she has been violated (touched) on 3 occasions. This is absolutely not what I (we) signed up for. Most recently was last week when a patient touched the front of her genitalia. This is absolutely unacceptable! At this point, I decided to have her released. After all, she went in voluntarily. She made the request which meant that an MD had 4 hours to respond. Shouldn’t be her decision to make? I arrived and the doctor began looking at me harshly through the window. He came out with a nurse and was instantly agitated stating that he is “tired of having to come up here”. First of all, it is his job. Secondly, he was on staff in the clinic. From what I have seen, much of the staff tends to stay in the office and drink coffee ignoring patients request. They hand them crayons and let them watch TV. This isn’t’t therapeutic in my opinion. I fully understand that patients may become stir crazy and want out even if they feel that they are okay. However, I know my wife better than the doctors, better than staff, and better than her family. She is my very best friend. In addition to being my wife, we share everything together. Most importantly, I know her personality and changes in it and I see that she has improved.

What Will a Doctor Do When Notified of a Patients Prescription and Other Drug Abuse?

Question by k f: What will a doctor do when notified of a patients prescription and other drug abuse?
My sister is heavily addicted to her prescription drugs (fentanyl patch, xanax, and other assorted pain pills) along with bathsalts and meth. I called her doctor and informed them of her addiction because I am worried about the drugs interacting with each other. Does the doctor have to stop prescribing that stuff once informed of a problem or did I waste my breath informing them?

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I Need to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Star Lake, New York. How?

Question by aja b: I need to find addiction treatment centers in Star Lake, New York. How?
I want to find addiction treatment centers because I’m planning on being an addiction counselor. I have seen a lot of lives get ruined by drugs and alcohol, and I figured I might as well do something about it. I just want to talk to people who are also addiction counselors so that I may know how to become one.

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Celebrity and Drug Addiction – Drug Rehab


Celebrity and Drug Addiction – Drug Rehab – Dr. David Sack talks to Dateline about Michael Jackson – #39;s death and celebrity drug addiction. addiction help, addiction recovery, drug rehabilitation, d…


'Machete' star to speak at Tulare County drug court graduation

Filed under: drug addiction help centers

He will be the speaker for this year's Tulare County Adult Drug Court commencement on Nov. 12 at the Visalia Convention Center. The event honors convicted drug offenders who have undergone supervised treatment and recovery programs rather than go to …
Read more on Visalia Times-Delta

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Texas


Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center In Texas – – For those in or near incitystate who find themselves in need of addiction recovery, call us now. Our counselors will guide …


Julie DelCour: Incarceration of women

Filed under: drug addiction treatment center

Women in Transition and Resonance Center for Women, both in Tulsa, as well as drug and DUI courts across the state, are but a few of the many change-agents working to turn lives around, one woman at a time. Their success rates are impressive — family …
Read more on Tulsa World