addiction recovery

Las Vegas Nevada Drug Addiction Alcohol Rehab Clinic


Las Vegas Nevada Drug Addiction Alcohol Rehab Clinic – Transformations Treatment Centers put the focus on providing a client with the best and most innovate care in the world of addiction recovery. Some of the programs we use include comprehensive, personalized drug and alcohol treatment plans, counseling, therapy (individual, group and family focused), life skills training, relapse prevention and an aftercare plan. The most prominent features of our programs puts the focus on using God and the power of prayer and faith to instill a person with the ability to heal from drug or alcohol addiction. For more information give us a call at 1-866-211-5538.

Billy A. NA Speaker 12 Step Recovery Drug Addict


MyRecoveryNet – You’re Not Alone!


MyRecoveryNet – You’re not alone! – – a free social networking tool which allows those in addiction recovery to share experiences, provide support and advice or simply listen to others. Come visit us and create your free account today! You can make a difference in your and someone else’s life. Disclaimer We would like to give due credit to the unknown artist for the music track used.


Obama, me and 'Homeland'

Filed under: addiction help chat

Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 1


Christian Drug Rehab Center – Step 1 – Christian drug rehab center – Step 1 to successful recovery (877) 231-1827 The Recovery Place Christian alcohol and drug rehab program utilizes the 12 Steps to recovery by implementing each step’s significance within addiction recovery. Charlotte, clinician in the Christian drug and alcohol rehab program at The Recovery Place, talks about step 1 from the Christian 12 steps to recovery. Admitting we are powerless to alcohol and drug addiction and accepting Jesus Christ as our higher power is the first step to beating the disease of addiction. The Recovery Place Christian program uses traditional therapy methods alongside faith based addiction treatment with a client-centered approach to provide the most successful addiction treatment available.

Addiction Specialists Address the Addicted Brain


Addiction Specialists Address The Addicted Brain – Addiction recovery can address the addicted brain with evidence-based neurofeedback. BrainPaint uses the exact protocols demonstrated in a UCLA addiction study to improve the odds of long-term recovery by 77%.


Bill Seeks to Close Gap in Coverage for State Employees

Filed under: drug abuse treatment specialist

The state's public employee health plans would no longer be able to deny coverage to treat eating disorders, alcoholism and some other substance-abuse and mental disorders under a bill approved by a Senate committee. Related Links. S-1253: Bill …
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Don’t Do It Alone – Addiction Recovery – the Right Step


Don’t Do It Alone – Addiction Recovery – The Right Step – There are many reasons why people begin to abuse and become dependent upon alcohol or drugs. For those who will not or cannot stop, we only wish there was a way of preventing it from happening in the first place. But now you’ve come to the point where you find yourself seeking a solution. You’re here because you need to find a drug treatment center or an alcohol rehab program that will make a difference, that will help you and your loved one regain the lives you once had. The Right Step can make that difference. We have treatment programs and solutions that can work for you.