How Can You Have Someone Committed to a Mental Institution?

Question by Haley J: How can you have someone committed to a mental institution?
My brother is 50 years old and a drug addict. He lives off my 67 year old mother. He has had heart attacks and strokes but continues to do drugs daily. How can I have him committed to a drug treatment center or better yet a mental health institution because he is mental and he has no control over his life or his addictions. I live in Ohio. Serious answers only please.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark
You need to find out about the mental health code in Ohio (I live in Michigan).

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Fungus Nail Laser Center – Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH – Podiatrist Samuel Feinberg – Fungus Nail Laser Center – Podiatrist in Middleburg Heights, Lyndhurst, Beachwood, OH – Samuel Feinberg, DPM Podiatrist Dr. Samuel Feinberg of FootCare Consultants of Cleveland Clinic as he discusses Laser Therapy for Fungus Nails. Welcome to the Fungus Nail Laser Centers. We created the Nail Laser Centers specifically to deal with the treatment of an old problem with new and exciting technology. We are podiatrists, foot specialists, and have been treating nail fungus for well over 25 years. In the past we have been as frustrated as you with the limited and unsuccessful treatment options available to deal with this difficult problem. Lasers are very new in treating nail fungus and we have been searching for well over a year to find the right laser. We believe we have now found the most sophisticated laser on the market with the power and versatility to offer our patients a new option in the treatment of nail fungus. The Problem Toenail fungus (onychomycosis) is an infection of the nail and skin beneath the nail that affects nearly 23 million people in the US-about 10% of all adults. It is a difficult infection to treat. To date treatments included topical medications which don’t work because it is nearly impossible for the medication to penetrate the nail in order for it to reach the infection. Oral medications are available, however they also have limited success (60-70%), must be taken for at least 3 months, and have the potential to cause


NCCN Qualifies Community Site for Affiliate Research Project

Filed under: drug treatment centers in ohio

Norton Cancer Institute will have access to new and innovative cancer drugs for patients in collaboration with NCCN Member Institutions; Principal Investigators of NCCN-funded studies will have access to Norton Cancer Institute as an NCCN-qualified …
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Young adult suicide numbers concerning

Filed under: drug treatment centers in ohio

Suicide numbers are staggering. In a report in Addiction Treatment Magazine, the Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC), states that more than 33,000 people commit suicide every year in the United States. Put in the context of time, this …