Who Can Tell Me the Exact Definition of Drugs? Please Help?
Question by yoyo_kiss_2006: who can tell me the exact definition of drugs? please help?
I’m doing a chemistry project about drugs…and I can’t find the definition… I mean…the exact definition, like “drugs are synthetic products obtained by etc..” someone help me, please!!!
i meant drugs like cocaine, ecstasy, lsd 😀
Best answer:
Answer by AlterStar
“A drug is any biological substance, synthetic or non-synthetic, that when taken into the organism’s body, will in some way alter the biological functions of that organism.”
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Ways to Convince My Parents Not to Send Me Into Rehab?
Question by dc w: Ways to convince my parents not to send me into rehab?
Im 19 y/o I have a job, in college and have my own car that I bought with my own money, some of my friends smoke pot and often when I am around them they offer me hits for free. I almost never buy my own and never bring the stuff home or come home high out of respect for my parents and there house. My mom has been suspecting that I smoked for awhile and straight out asked me today. I told her the truth that I sometimes smoke and that its not a big deal she freaked out and basically told me im going to be kicked out if I don’t go to rehab right away. I see no reason for this, I am not addicted and it changes my life in no way. Can anyone give me some tips for calming her down? Thanks
Epilepsy / Cerebrial Palsy?
Question by brianlr2000: epilepsy / cerebrial palsy?
i have a daughter with these diseasess i have been all through nj and philadelphia hospitals or childrens hospitals.they have not been able to control her seizures. can anyone give any ideas of where to go to get more opinions. foundations,childrens hospitals,etc,etc..
Best answer:
Answer by Granny
Buffalo, NY has a fabulous Childrens Hospital. You may need a referal from her Pediatrican.
What do you think? Answer below!
addiction treatment centers in new jersey – http://recoverylife.com/treatmentcenters/us/new-jersey/
Positive Mantoux, Child Care center…HELP!!!!?
Question by LeAnn S: positive mantoux, child care center…HELP!!!!?
I have a history of negative mantoux tests, decades. In mid-August I had a negative mantoux, and then last week I had a mantoux test for another job. I had immediate intense itching, eyes burning, scratchy, developed hives on my neck on the car ride home. I have gone to an infectious disease dr, they did AFB cultures, when can I get the results? My current job, started in September is at a daycare center, w/ +/-100 children and >100 families involved. Employees are not required to have mantoux tests in child care centers in MN. I am very concerned someone is spreading TB at the child care center, but the health dept. is not!! I have had very little contact with anyone other than the children and employees there. Kids (some adopted from russia, india, etc)and adults have been coughing since I started working there. Was it the allergic reaction that caused the positive TB test, or a booster effect, or? If you have kids in child care centers, make sure all workers are screened!!
It was a transdermal PPD Mantoux, not a multi-pronged test. Induration measured 22 X 21 mm. Adopted children from foreign countries are cleared by a physician in that country, not the U.S. MN is a state that no longer screens children, uless there are symptoms that would indicate the test. There are many symptoms of TB, but most common are cold symptoms and a cough that lasts greater than 2 – 3 weeks, sometimes blood streaked, fatigue, night sweats, low fever. How many times do you think doctors see children with cold symptoms? It’s just a cold, right?
Any Good Inpatient Rehabilitation Centers in Central Florida?
Question by Catcher In The Rye: Any Good Inpatient Rehabilitation Centers in Central Florida?
One of my really good friends is horribly abusing drugs and alcohol and having unprotected sex with many adult men she doesn’t know/remember. She’s come close to being raped and kidnapped, has woken up with gashes down her arm which she doesn’t remember how it happened, let many close relation and friendships fail and is in a constant drunken/high stupor. I am really worried about her and want to convince her to get help (she’s only 14) but do any of you know any good drug/alcohol rehabilitation centers in central florida? (Preferably Titusville)
Thanks for your help.
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Drug Rehab Allentown | Addiction Treatment Allentown | Drug Rehab Allentown – http://allentown.alcoholdrugrehabpa.com/ Alcohol Drug Rehab Allentown Call (610) 488-2300 to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facili…