Tennessee Drug Rehabs

Is Scientology’s Narconon Center in Georgia Still Open?

Question by Steven: Is Scientology’s Narconon center in Georgia still open?
Narconon Georgia is a Scientologist drug rehab center that’s come under a lot of legal and media scrutiny lately; they were sued for the death of a young United States Marine Corps veteran named Patrick Desmond, and their program director, a Scientologist “Operating Thetan” named Mary Rieser, was reprimanded in court for lying to investigators.

They were recently raided by the police as part of an insurance fraud investigation; cops busted in with guns drawn and left with a pretty big haul of computers.

Anyone Know Anything About Gay/drug Rehabilitation Centers?

Question by al x: Anyone know anything about gay/drug rehabilitation centers?
Gonna keep it short but to out it simply i have a friend who got sent away to one by his parents and it seemed like he is also finishing his year of high school there. Just curious if anyone knows how long these programs last?

Also, obviously trying to cure someone of being gay is retarded. Thanks for reading,

Best answer:

Anyone Voluntarily Went to Drug Rehab?

Question by onetimeuse1234: Anyone voluntarily went to drug rehab?
Ok…I have to be quick cuz my boyfriend is abusive. I had to create a new account so that I could post this. Anyhow, I’m addicted to meth severely! Daily use, probably 10 foils a day. No exaggeration. I WANT to quit and go to rehab. I dont have a way to research this without him finding out. I want out of this life. How long do they keep you? Whats it like? Where Should I go? Can I smoke? (cigarettes). I’m from Michigan. Please if someone could do the research for me and post it, I would appreciate it very much!! I also assist in manufacturing it at my home so I don’t want the cops to find out anything before I get help and get this shit out of my life for good……..

Florida Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Florida Substance Abuse Treatment


Florida Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Florida Substance Abuse Treatment – Florida Drug Rehab Detox | 877 677 4695 | Florida Substance Abuse Treatment http://alcoholdrugrehabusa.blogspot.com Alcohol detoxification Alcohol Rehab Alco…


What Are Some in-House Drug Rehab Faccilaties in Texas??

Question by solly: what are some in-house drug rehab faccilaties in Texas??
This is for my brother who is going to come up for hearing sometime soon(date has not yet been set).
I need a good in-house drug rehab faccility for him to go to to keep him clean and safe before his court date.
I’m not sure but we beleive he’s doing weed, speed, ice, and maybe meth.
And somethign more strict would be better in order to keep him in place.
I would greatly appreciate any reccomendations i get.
thank you

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Working in Drug/addiction Rehab Centers?

Question by Ruby Alice Love: Working in drug/addiction rehab centers?
I’m currently a human development and family studies major but I have an undecided minor. I personally would like to be the one who’s in direct contact with patients during their withdrawal phases and being able to monitor them. I’m pretty sure that’s vague, but what job title is that specifically? In order to pursue this career would a biology minor benefit me more, would I need to go to medical school, what about grad school?

If it means anything I go to school in Nevada and I’d greatly appreciate some input and opinions.