Tennessee Drug Rehabs

I Am Looking for a Free or According to Income Drug Rehab Center for Cocaine Addiction,Marijuana and Alcohol.?

Question by shellybelly: I am looking for a free or according to income Drug rehab center for cocaine addiction,marijuana and alcohol.?

Best answer:

Answer by mhumeston
Well It would depend on where you are located. You can always look in the begining of the phone book under drug abuse and call their hotline for information. Do you live in California?

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Are There Any FREE Drug Rehab Centers in Tucson, Arizona for Heroin Addicts?

Question by blondie220: Are there any FREE drug rehab centers in Tucson, Arizona for Heroin Addicts?

Best answer:

Answer by Carly L
not drugs- hugs
shoot for the stars! not heroin-
best of luck- ask your current doctor or check out your phone book 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Best Drug Rehab and Alcoholism Treatment at California Beach – Drug Rehab and Alcoholism Treatment Orange County CA at Sober Living by the Sea Group Therapy for drug and alcohol counseling can be found at . 449 Recovery,…

Wisconsin-Alcoholism Treatment Centers


Wisconsin-alcoholism treatment centers – http://www.transformationstreatment.com/wisconsin-drug-abuse-treatment/ The State of Wisconsin lies in the north-central United States. It is considered to b…


A Terrifying Experience of Prescription Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Certified Drug Rehab in California


A Terrifying Experience of Prescription Drug and Alcohol Abuse – Certified Drug Rehab in California – Susie was found by her step-son after taking Valium and drinking alcohol. She describes the surreal and terrifying feeling of being a drug addict and looking…


Laws Regarding 16y/o in MA?

Question by ummmidk: Laws regarding 16y/o in MA?
An ex-family-friend who I stopped contact with due to these issues was arrested today for posessing marijuana on high-school property (less than an oz), drug paraphenalia, and underage posession of cigarettes. This is a SECOND offense, his first offense was posessing coedine with intent to distribute as well as less than an oz of marijuana. What are the possible charges? In Massachusetts.

Best answer:

Answer by WATCH DOG
Second offense probably a Fine and Juvenile detention for 6 months while attending a drug rehab program.}{

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Drug Treatment Center Anaheim CA


Drug Treatment Center Anaheim CA – http://drugtreatmentanaheimca.com/ – Located in California, Anaheim is a busy little city located near the Pacific Coast.With a population of over 336000, A…