What Are the Requirements to Start a Suboxone Treatment Program?

Question by C’s ma: What are the requirements to start a suboxone treatment program?
I really am interested in starting a suboxone treatment program. I would really like some more information. My fear is that i will get to the doctor and he will tell me i do not qualify and i will be stuck in this mess again. I am also scared that he will call social services on me since i have a daughter and am admitting to be a pain pill addict. Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Guess
Requirements are that you are addicted to opioids of any common form. That this addiction is real and not for diversion of Suboxone.

Which in your case is.

To actually start the suboxone you will need to cease taking your drug of choice.. (all opiates) for at least 24 hours (the office may tell you slightly different preferential numbers.. ie: 12-24, or 24-36. ) This is to allow the suboxone to work at a proper dosage, and to prevent the suboxone’s naloxone from causing you intense sickness. The naloxone in Suboxone is an opiate rejector of sorts, to put it in laymans terms. If you are piped full of opiates in your receptors it will go in, and kick them out,.. and you will be in immediate hard core withdrawal.

Buprenoprhine is combined with Suboxone, which is a potent opiate agonist. This will give you the ‘maintenance’ opiate you need while the naloxone keeps other opiates from getting you high. So you can see the need to be in slight withdrawal while receiving your first dose. This is given in office by a qualified doctor and they should monitor you to see how your symptoms subside, and either increase or decrease based on how you feel. Then a prescription is written and you are on the program.

Keep in mind, suboxone should be used as a maintenance program to get your life together.. not as a program to take forever. (Although some view it that way).

Good luck,

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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