Is There a Cutting Rehabilitation Center in My Area?
Question by sissybug1227: Is there a cutting rehabilitation center in my area?
I have searched online and I need to find a Self Harm or Teen cutting rehabilitation center in Nampa Idaho. None of the drug addiction rehabs but one for self harm. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Durable Med
Ya know, I think you are looking in the wrong directions, and that you need to be looking to yourself on this one. Because I don’t think the rehab centers for drugs or self-harm are very effective. So, first let’s deal with why you do it in the first place.
If you were to stub your toe or hit your finger, your body responds by putting out more endorphins. Those are your personal pain killers. The “endogenous morphine” which is where they got the name. They are also called the “feel-good hormones”. And after they are produced, they have their effect by being on the body’s narcotics receptor sites.
But suppose a person’s daily endorphin supply is low, and they feel pretty crappy. Well, they may try to self-medicate. They might take up serious running, or white-water rafting, or parachute jumping, or racing a fast car, or any number of other things that can cause excitement, like compulsive gambling, kleptomania, sex addiction, etc.. But there are other ways to feed the endorphin bank. The person could take narcotics, or alcohol, even have an eating disorder with bulimia, because a person’s endorphins are increased with throwing up.
This is a long way of telling you that you cut in order to cause your body to bring up more endorphins, but it just lasts a short while, and then you are having the need again. And chocolate helps reduce the rate of endorphin loss.
How would you like to know how to bring up your endorphins without cutting, or narcotics, or throwing up, or any of the other stuff? I figure you would, even though that was not your question. And it can be accomplished with the special use of an approved narcotic and alcohol rehab drug, in the privacy of your own home. I’m gonna tell you a story, very likely the best kept secret in the rehab community.
In the early 1980’s, the narcotics addicts were filling the New York jails, and if they were probated, they went right back to robbing, burglarizing, mugging, etc. to get their next fix. Well, a drug was approved, called Naltrexone. Trade name Revia, and others, depending on where it’s made, etc. You could give the addict the Revia at the local community center as the term for their probation. They swallow it down, and stay in the room for a half hour. After that, free to go. Because even if they were to throw up, it would be sufficiently absorbed.
The Revia is an oral version of naloxone (Narcan), which ties up the body’s narcotic receptor sites. A person in respiratory depression from a narcotics O.D., with enough to kill a horse, could be up and chatty within minutes after an I.V. push of Narcan.
So there was no point in taking any narcotics, the sites were not available. So the addicts were able to be probated. But, they HATED it. It made them feel terrible, without a way of getting better.
Anyway, a neurologist named Bihari was part of the naltrexone administration. He wanted to know why an addict would go right back to doing it, even though they ran the risk of “cold turkey” if they got caught. He hired a researcher, who found that addicts were only running a third of the endorphins of the ‘normal’ population, so the heroin etc. was a self medication.
Long story shorter, he found that if you give the addict a small portion of the naltrexone, at bed time, the body checks its supply around 2 in the morning, finds it at zero, and brings the endorphin level to as much as 5 times what it would have been. So the addicts were waking up WITH NO NEED FOR THE HEROIN.
So, how would you like to have your body making up to 5 times the pain killer it does now? Would you like to have no more feeling of need to do the cutting? I’ll take your answer as a “yes” since you already kinda asked the question.
Think about that, and read the article at the first site I’ve given. And that a one-month prescription for Revia can be more than a year’s supply of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), since each 50 milligram Revia can be dissolved in 50 cc’s of distilled water, and then just 3 cc’s (for 3 milligrams) can be drawn up in a pediatric medicine dropper and taken in juice or whatever before bed time, and that single tablet can be sufficient for 16 doses of LDN. Difficult to get a prescription for LDN, but very easy for an addict to get a month of Revia to “try it” after getting clean. It can be prescribed off-label for someone in your situation.
Just think about it, and what it would mean to never have to do the self-harm again, and have your own body making what you need. And there are some other health issues that can be involved, too, What is in the article could help you turn things around completely.
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