How Does the US Compare to Other Countries in Stopping Drug Smuggling and Working on Drug Enforcement?

Question by NinjaBerrySharry: How does the US compare to other countries in stopping drug smuggling and working on drug enforcement?
I’m doing a research paper on the US government and drug abuse in America. I was just wondering if anyone knows if the U.S. has more problems with drug abuse than other countries? Are we more lenient with letting people get away with drug smuggling?

Best answer:

Answer by R, P, then B
Weak, in other countries, you get caught, you get killed, but the USA is a seive, our borders hemorage illegal aliens and drugs into our country every day, and our liberal politicians support it by not taking action against it.

They’re to busy trying to control our health care and what we eat and stealing from the rich to give to the unions

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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