Is a Person That Has a Drug Addiction Really Have a Sickness?

Question by Tiff B.: Is a person that has a drug addiction really have a sickness?
Is a drug addiction a sickness or stupidity? If you were very close to someone that wanted so bad to get off drugs but couldn’t, Will you be wrong and stupid for being there for them regardless?

Best answer:

Answer by Mandy
It’s a sickness and not stupidity. if you were very close to someone with these illness try to help her/him. Who know’s you might save a life.

What do you think? Answer below!



Bob Forrest & MusiCares: Why Drug and Alcohol Addiction Intervention Fail – It’s very hard to get through to artists when they are engrossed in addiction. Addictions Interventions don’t always work. Even with family and loved ones begging someone to go to rehab, people will walk away from an addiction intervention because they are not ready. According to Celebrity Rehab’s Bob Forrest, that often correlates to the size of a person’s ego. Many people still don’t see drug addiction as a disease, yet with addiction people are dying right in front of our eyes. MusiCares® acknowledges that a vital part of addiction recovery is support and aftercare services. The implementation of recovery support groups help ensure that MAP Fund clients are receiving the tools that they need in order to maintain a clean and sober lifestyle. Please help MusiCares® continue with this important work. Learn how at


From Twitter:

RT @DrugFAM: Our Chesham group meets tonight supporting families, friends and carers with a loved one who misuses drugs/alcohol. http:// … – by UKGaz21 (Gaz )


From Twitter:

RT @DrugFAM: Our Chesham group meets tonight supporting families, friends and carers with a loved one who misuses drugs/alcohol. http:// … – by HappiestFairy (Butterfly World Lou)


From Twitter:

Our Chesham group meets tonight supporting families, friends and carers with a loved one who misuses drugs/alcohol. … – by DrugFAM (DrugFAM Charity)