How Many People Are in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Each Year in the US?

Question by lynsey: How many people are in drug and alcohol treatment each year in the US?
I am doing a research paper on drugs and alcohol for a college health class. Does anyone know a website that gives the number of people admitted each year to drug and alcohol center. I know it is a lot of people, but I need actually numbers, and a website to cite. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by waswisgirl1
In 2005, 1.3 million received treatment for the use of alcohol but not illicit drugs.

This includes treatment received in the past year at any location, such as a hospital (inpatient), rehabilitation facility (outpatient or inpatient), mental health center, emergency room, private doctor’s office, prison or jail, or a self-help group, such as Alcoholics Anonymous Persons could report receiving treatment at more than one location. Specialty treatment only includes treatment at a hospital (inpatient), a rehabilitation facility (inpatient or outpatient), or a mental health center.

Location of Treatment and Substance Treated: In 2005, among the 3.9 million persons aged 12 or older who received treatment for alcohol or illicit drug use in the past year:
*more than half (2.1 million) received treatment at a self-help group
*there were 1.5 million persons who received treatment at a rehabilitation facility as an outpatient,
*1.1 million at a rehabilitation facility as an inpatient,
*1.0 million at a mental health center as an outpatient,
*773,000 at a hospital as an inpatient, *460,000 at a private doctor’s office, *399,000 at an emergency room, and *344,000 at a prison or jail.
*None of these estimates changed significantly between 2004 and 2005.

Good luck!

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