Young Drug Abuse?

Question by Kate.L: Young drug abuse?
Young drug abuse is a serious proble nowadays in many countries, what are the reason for this and what can be done to combat it?

Best answer:

Answer by Jinjer S
Lack of self esteem, lack of self confidence. Feeling the only way to belong is do what everyone else is doing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Drug Rehab Houston | Drug Rehab Centers Houston Texas | Drug Rehab Houston


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Zohydro Addiction – Drug Treatment and Rehab Program for Zohydro Addicts – IOP in Stuart Florida


Zohydro Addiction – Drug Treatment and Rehab Program for Zohydro Addicts – IOP in Stuart Florida – – The new pain killer Zohydro is a hydrocodone-based drug. One of the latest in a long line of dangerous painkillers called opi…


My Shopping Addiction?!?!?

Question by : My Shopping Addiction?!?!?
Girls: I know it’s sad, and it is hard to break, but I have an addiction to… SHOPPING! But I just don’t know why… it just feels good… look at staores, feeling free, having butterflies, giving the people the money, sitting my the fountain looking a all of your new trendy items, flaunting you bags and your bag, and of course, going home and putting away the best thing ever! I just sit there… and admire them… do y’all do the same? SAD MOMENT: When I don’t have time/money to go shopping, I go on YouTube and watch haul videos! Ugh. But I enjoy it… And it is actually something I dont want to stop… 1-10, how much do you chickas love shopping?! I vote… 100!!

Benchmark Recovery Center – Mark Houston Hall Meeting – Addiction Treatment Works…


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Was Married in TN, Im Livin in VA Now, Gettin Divorced, Husband Refuses to Sign Papers What Do I Do?

Question by princess2010: Was married in TN, im livin in VA now, gettin divorced, husband refuses to sign papers what do I do?
Ok I got married Jan 09,, got seperated two weeks before thanksgiving. I am filing for divorce but my husband says he refuses to sign the papers at all even if i give him what he wants which is to give up my son to him,, and still pay child support. Even when I told him I wasnt going to make him pay alomony, cause I know hes havin a hard time. He abused me threatened to kill me the whole nine yards, the cops wouldnt do nothing so I moved out of state, and am filing for divorce now that I got the money for the papers. He just simply wont sign hes that stubborn and ignorant he just wants to make it so ill be stuck with his last name and never be able to remarry. Does anyone know TN law when it comes the the spouse refusing to sign the papers. Is there a such thing as he has so many days once being served with the papers to either sign or give the court an answer.. and if he does nothing I can go to the court and file for default and certification. Which then the judge will grant the divorce and its over. THeres got to be around it, you cant force someone to sign the papers. if anyone knows pls tell me how,, THanks im desperate.